Daily Prompt: Escape!

The Scenic Railway at Luna Park, Melbourne, is...

The Scenic Railway at Luna Park, Melbourne, is the world’s oldest continually-operating rollercoaster, built in 1912. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Daily Prompt: Escape!.

Find me on a roller coaster, not with a royal boaster.
The escape would be perfectly designed, you see.
The great escape would suit me well,
with those who brag with gibberish to tell,
So put me on that roller coaster with its ups, downs and turns
I’d like to escape each day, something new waiting to learn.
Don’t know what time the roller coaster begins its ride,
I will share a seat for you, right by your side.

For I would rather be humble, like a potter with clay,
Shaped by love and kindness and love each day.